[Emacs support for commiting hunks] (was: committing some lines)

Uwe Brauer oub at mat.ucm.es
Sun Oct 1 06:38:24 UTC 2023

>>> "ME" == Mitchell Elutovich <melutovich at gmail.com> writes:

> https://github.com/ananthakumaran/monky/issues/104#issuecomment-1054503171
> Someone mentioned to me recently that they come from git, magit, and emacs
> background and would be interested in having this feature in monky work,
> how well does mercurial support it; any existing extensions that would help?

I am a long time Emacs user, and I have not tried out magit since I find
git itself overwhelming confusing, and magit even more. I tried out
monky but did see much benefit.

I am using 
;;; ahg.el --- Alberto's Emacs interface for Mercurial (Hg)
and emacs native vc

It is *possible* to commit single hunks in emacs.
I find this handy when you did some change and find out that the log
message would be too long to be helpful and only want to commit some
Basically what you can do is either you use 

    1. Commit-path an external program (which works in linux and mac,
       not sure about windows), and an additional emacs package called,
       commit-patch.buffer.el. That is quite comfortable however it does
       not offer you the nice vc interface for commiting.

    2. I nagged quite some time on the emacs dev list till Dmitry Gutov
       implemented this feature in core emacs. So all you have to do, if
       you are using Emacs 29 is running vc-diff (or even better
       Dmitry's diff-hl.el available via the package system). Delete the
       junks you don't want (you can also do this the other way around)
       and then run vc-next-action and viola.


Uwe Brauer 

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I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against the Ukraine.
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