How to track a file (in various versions) used by several projects

Steve Mullock sjm at
Thu Oct 19 15:59:59 UTC 2023

Dear Norman

Thanks for the reply. I didn't quite get all the detail in your plan, but I would like to 

> What I do in a similar situation is that I regard the common library as a separate project, with a
> private 'distribution', in the sense that there's a 'dist' target in the Makefile, which includes a
> revision hash and date in a README at the top.

So it sounds like you are talking about a binary library compiled from sources. That makes 
things more complex than my immediate problem, but it still might make a good example for me. 
Also I sometimes have a similar situation for compiled code.

If that is right, it will prabably explain my uncertainty about some of the following steps, 
so I guess I'll defer any further questions until I have that sorted. I don't want to waste 
your time.


Dr. S.J. Mullock
Kore Technology Ltd
Cambridgeshire Business Park
Ely, Cambs.
Tel. (Int.+ 44) (0) 1353 653030
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